Current Positions
1. Asst . Professor in Computer Science CAS Karthikapally
2.Joint Co-ordinator KERALA State IHRD NSS Cell
3. SLCM Co-ordinator CAS Karthikapally
4. Project Manager of college Web Site Development, Maintenance and Updation ( http://caskarthikapally.ihrd.ac.in)
5. Maintenance of Smart NSs portal of IHRD NSS Cell http://nsscell.ihrd.ac.in
6. Admission Co-ordinator of Cas Karthikapally
7. Treasurer of CAS Karthikapally PTA
8. Member Anti - Ragging Committee
9. Returning Officer of College Union Election, CAS Karthikapally
10. Member , Volunteer Committee of International Conclave conducted By IHRD
11. Co-ordinator of Chronobas Punching Attendance System Of IHRD
Thorough Knowledge in Office Management
Thorough knowledge in System Analysis & Design
Proficient in RDBMS concepts & applications
Deep knowledge and experience
in different programming methodologies.
Expert in SQL and PL/SQL
Excellent Interface Design
Knowledge in Windows style
Context Sensitive Help Generation & Technical Documentation
Good understanding and
Communication skills
Ability to expertise any software/tool within a short period.
Windows Vista
/ Windows XP/ WINDOWS ME / NT, Linux, UNIX , Android
.NET Framework,
MS Access, ORACLE, FoxPro, MySQL
Visual Basic 6.0, Developer 2000
C#, C++,C, Pascal, MS Fortran, Python
Crystal Reports
HTML, CSS, XML, PHP, Django, Word press
Professional Experiences
Assistant Professor (Computer Science) in various colleges under IHRD
November2010-till date.
Working as the Joint Co-ordinator of IHRD state NSS cell till date.
Junior System Analyst -
Institute of Human Resources
Govt. of Kerala, India, April 1996 – November 2010
Job Responsibilities
Working as Teaching faculty /
Examiner/ Chief examiner / Project Guide in Kerala University for the past 15 years.
Working as the Co-cordinator of
IHRD NSS cell to organize NSS activities of 84
NSS units in various IHRD institution all over Kerala.
Maintenance of CAS
Karthikapally Website www.caskarthikapally.ihrd.ac.in
Working as the SLCM
co-ordinator and FYUGP APPAR ID co-ordinator of CAS Karthikapally.
Installation, administration
and maintenance of ORACLE 7.3 database for College of Applied Science, IHRD
Developed and maintained the
website of College of applied Science website www.casmvk.gov.in
Extensively participated in
Software development for different Government Departments of Kerala.
Worked as Junior System Analyst
in College of engineering ,, Cherthala , Kerala.
as Staff Co-ordinator in Computerisation of the General Election to the
Parliament of India and General Election to the Kerala Legislative Assembly
Office Manager cum
Course Co-ordinator
Universal Institute of Information Technology, Kerala.
September 1995 to April 1996.
Job Responsibilities
Worked As Office Manager cum Course
Co-ordinator which involves designing of new courses based of the latest Technology
Give suitable training to teaching faculties.
Management and Maintenance of UIIT Branch and Computer Centre
Office Manager cum Course
TACS Computer Centre, Kerala.
January 1994 to August 1995.
Job Responsibilities
Worked as Teaching faculty for various course under the Institute
Worked as Consultant
and Guide for various projects of Post Graduate students
Academic Profile
Master of Computer Application(MCA)
First Class(80%)
Annamalai University
Master of Science in Computer
Class (74%)
Annamalai University
Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications
Division (81.1 %)
Dept. of
Technical Education,
Govt. of
Kerala., India, 1993.
Bachelor Degree in Physics
First Division
( 74% )
University of
Kerala., India, 1991.
Participated International Generative AI conclave conducted
by Higher Education Department of Kerala and IHRD
Attended various FDP’s conducted by IHRD
Attended FDP on OBE conducted by St. Mary’s College ,
Attended the National Conference conducted by the CAS
Attended the workshop conducted by IHRD on latest
Software Development tools.
Attended the Programme Officers training by the ETI of
Central Govt. Of India.
Attended Two Weeks Training Programme of ORACLE 8, DEVELOPER 2000, & DBA
conducted by Electronics
Research & Development Centre of India.
Oracle Training Centre)
and Honors
Best National Service Scheme Programme
Award of Govt. of Kerala in 2015-16.
Best NSS Programme officer’s award of IHRD NSS cell in 2014-15 and 2015-16.
Major Projects
Website of College of Applied Science, Mavelikkara version 1.0 and
Platform – Linux
Tools – Word Press, PHP, MySQL
Strength - 3
InfoPACK–Information System for Plantation Corporation
of Kerala.
Platform : Windows NT
Front-End : Visual Basic
6.0/Developer 2000
Back-End : MS Access /Oracle 8
Team Strength : 3
The Plantation Corporation of Kerala Ltd (PCK Ltd), owned by the
Government of Kerala, is the largest corporation in Kerala engaged in
plantation business. The corporation has
13 Rubber, Cashew and Oil Palm Estates and some Rubber and Wood Processing
Factories all over Kerala.
The project had four major departments - Personnel &
Administration, Accounting & Financial Management, Engineering and Estate
Management. The InfoPACK application was developed to automate the operations of all departments. All the estates and factories
were connected to the Head Office by DialUp Networking.
Mangala Soft– Information System for Coir Exporters-
Platform : Windows
Front-End : VB 6.0
Back-End : Ms- Acees
Team Strength : 3
Mangala Shearing Factory is a Largest Coir Exporting Company in
India. They are exporting various coir products to different parts of the
world. Mangala Soft is a fully automated Packages to carry out the activities
of the company, which includes Store Management, Production control System, Wage
List Preparation based on the production and designing of new styles and format
to Mats.
Office Administration System For Modern Food
Industries, Edpally, Cochin , Kerala.
Platform : Windows
Front-End : VB 6.0
Back-End : MS - Acess
Team Strength : 2
Modern Food Industries is a
leading food products & confectioneries manufacturing company based in
Cochin , Kerala. They are supplying various food items to Government
Organisations, Hospitals and to the public through various outlets throughout
Kerala.This software is an effective tool for them for proper store management
and Office administration. Through the software they can very easily
communicate to different branches and sales outlets throughout Kerala thus
gains greater Customer Satisfaction. In addition, the accounting procedure is
made so simple to carry out various functions of the company with minimum human