Grievance redressal committee

Objective of this committee is to provide opportunities for redressal of certain grievances of students already enrolled in this institution as well as those seeking admission to this institution. The Students Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC), constituted by the Staff Council in 2021, has the following role and functions. It is composed of teachers from various departments who shall act as the conduit between the administration and the students in effectively communicating grievances and redressing them. These grievances may pertain to any aspect of the students’ life on the campus. In case it overlaps with the role of any other committee, the grievance shall be forwarded to the concerned committee. The grievances may be submitted online through the online form on students’ grievances available on the college website. The members of the Grievance Redressal Cell are,

Dr. Shajy L, Principal

Mr. Tharun Kumar E.G, Head of the Dept. Of Computer Science

Mr. Sanu K.R, Head of the Dept. Of Management

Smt. Anjana P Binu, Head of the Dept. Of Commerce 

Mr. Regimon V R, Asst. Prof. CS

Mrs. Indu S, Asst. Prof CS